Overcoming inertia is hard. One of the unexpected side effects of growing this newsletter has been losing the reckless abandon I had when I first started. 10 months into this newsletter, everything feels...bigger...now. (And sometimes more daunting.) So when I set out to migrate my list from Kajabi to Kit, when I made the mistake of telling myself the next email had to be sent after migration, when the drafts for this email began to pile up in my brain & journal... ...suddenly sending this exact email became TOO BIG for me to do. Too many little friction points to overcome = utter avoidance I'm the writing teacher...telling you that I struggle to write? Yes, friend. I'd argue that the best teachers struggle before they teach. So now I'm going to share the hack that is allowing me to type this email now: I have to write FAST. In a compressed, committed slot of time. I envision myself completing the writing before doing something else I'm really looking forward to. Then I stay in one place until the writing's done. Every day, I'd leave the house to write from the library or a cafe. My reward for hitting page goals was getting to go home. #introvertsatwork So today, I've asked myself to type out this email before my precious family time this evening. To remedy sneaky perfectionism, I choose trust instead. Trusting my voice. Trusting our connection. Trusting that this will be meaningful to somebody. That's good enough for me. So here's my list of 3 nuggets I wanted to share. I hope it helps. NUGGET #1: FLOW - Find it & go with it I am committed to build a business that continually heals my nervous system & causes less stress. So when my family got sick during the 2 weeks I had calendared to film my mini-course, I went with the flow. I pivoted away from the course and dreamed up 4 workbooks instead. Then I cozied up on the couch with my babies in jammies. In between cuddles, I fiddled away on my laptop and created things I can't wait to share with the world. The mini-course will still happen next month. All is good. What's showing up in your life & asking you to flow with it? What things can you loosen your hold on? See if something else is asking to be birthed instead? My go-with-the-flow creations, coming soon. NUGGET #2: CONNECT - Remedy distance with co-dreaming & ritual One thing I love about creating my own business is that every day my neurodivergent brain gets to hyper-fixate on things I think are cool. One thing I don't love is the occasional loneliness. Fewer & fewer people from my original communities understand this path, my husband included. Yesterday, my intuition guided me towards a co-dreaming practice that was really helpful in closing that gap and sparking much needed connection. I wrote about it on this Thread. Click if you want to read more. How are you experiencing connection lately? Where has connection waned? What can you create in those gaps that will bring you closer to the people, things, experiences that you desire? NUGGET #3: COMMUNITY - Real community is always worth it. Loneliness happens on this journey and so does inertia. After a holiday week with no client calls, getting cemented to my spot on the couch, dread began to mushroom when I looked ahead at my full calendar for this week. I've procrastinated sending out reminders about our free community call happening on Thursday, half convinced I'd cancel and live my life as a hermit instead. Then today, I had 4 back to back calls, each one timely and necessary. I'm writing now as a fully recovered believer in community. From the abundantly generous care of Mollie at Fern CRM, helping me dream of the tech to support my curriculum. (Need a social justice aligned website/CRM platform? Hit up Mollie.) To a virtual coffee with Stephanie Keiko Kong whose invitation turned into what felt like a kinship ceremony with a big sister blessing my path, connecting me to others of the same heart who walk with us. (Tears of gratitude flowed in this call.) To a beautiful first client session that reminded me of the need to create playgrounds where we befriend our own voice, create safe spaces to be our truest self, and invite our people to meet us there. And finally, a refreshing, neuro-spicy brainstorm and support "call" with Amber who dreams the way I do (except in brighter colors). Please check out her work on workshops as activism. She is brilliant. The moral of the story? In my freshman year of entrepreneurship, I have connected with and experienced true care with amazing people. Come be a part of this very real community. We gather in a digital space, but the relationships are no less meaningful. Here are the details for our first call, happening in a few days. Community Call: Creative Entrepreneurship & Cracking CapitalismTHURS, Jan 9th 8pm EST/5pm PST | Jan 10th 11am AEST I'd love to see you there & hear your thoughts, questions, and stories. Your voice matters so much to me. P.S. If you want to help me out, respond to this email. Send an emoji, ask a question, or let me know what resonated. Since this is my first email sent from Kit, your responses help my newsletter be ranked by their algorithm and help my work get recommended to more readers. Thanks in advance for your support! |
Examine what it means to serve our communities as compassionate leaders, founders, and creatives. Tap into your stories and make time to reflect on your lived experiences & inner wisdom. Stay inspired to write & speak. Explore authentic ways to connect with & care for yourself & others. Join the conversation as I share lessons, questions, & insights from my journey growing my mission-driven business!