*Deep breath* I'm launching this book so imperfectly. No launch sequence, no fancy marketing material. I'm just so happy it's ready & I'm ready to share my joy. To be clear, the book is as close to perfect as I would want it... (considered, labored on, love-filled, and as imperfect as we are)... I've poured so much into it over the last couple of months. What started as a story prompts packet took on a life of its own and has now become a whole 2-version eBook, my first paid resource. My first launch. Here it is. And it's the launch that's as messy as my kitchen always is when I've suddenly caught the urge to invent a new dish. Once I'm convinced the meal is a masterpiece, I'll want you to have a taste when it's hot & fresh... never mind that every pot & pan is now piled up in my sink and there's scattered remnants of produce choppings everywhere. ​Find Yourself Here​​ I have so much more to tell you about what it is, how it got here, and why it all matters to you (to all of us). But for today, I'll leave you with some of the words of the community that helped to midwife this creation into existence. P.S. With this now out into the world, I'll be returning to writing more regularly, offering prompts, tips, and love letters through email and on my social media. P.P.S. There's a few bonus materials that are still baking: tutorial videos & a story-sharing community. If you purchase today, you'll receive your eBook right away. And, you'll be added to a very simple dashboard that will be completed in the next couple of days. Thank you for trusting me & for supporting my work. |
Examine what it means to serve our communities as compassionate leaders, founders, and creatives. Tap into your stories and make time to reflect on your lived experiences & inner wisdom. Stay inspired to write & speak. Explore authentic ways to connect with & care for yourself & others. Join the conversation as I share lessons, questions, & insights from my journey growing my mission-driven business!